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The Story Behind My Name Doris


A perfect name came from a beautiful mistake.

其實,在安徒生的童話裡,小美人魚是為了獲得「不死的靈魂」(immortal soul)才不惜答應巫婆,割舌為啞人,忍受著萬箭穿心般的疼痛用雙腿走路,因為只有成為人,為人做足300年好事,才能最終獲得「不死的靈魂」。(中國的小人書裏並沒有這一段。)
The famous Andersen’s fairy tale The Little Mermaid is my favourite book of all time.
I first read it when I was a kid in a Chinese kindergarten many many years ago. At graduation, every child was allowed to pick an illustrated kid’s book to bring home, and I chose The Little Mermaid. In China, the title of the famous Danish fairy tale was translated to “The Daughter of The Sea”. I remember I read it again and again at home, wishing I were the little mermaid because she was not only beautiful but very kind.
Years later when I was preparing my immigration to Canada, I needed an English name. Based on my Chinese name, the Canadian language teacher gave me two suggestions: Jennifer, meaning white waves, and Doris, daughter of the God of Sea. I chose Doris and since then called the little mermaid Doris.
The Chinese version describes the little mermaid as a girl who sacrificed her life for her love of the prince. It’s not wrong but it’s not all. Her love was not only to the prince but to all human.
However, in Andersen’s story, the little mermaid chose to endure all the hardships of being a human-cannot speak and walks with two legs in huge pain- because of her wish to obtain an immortal soul. To achieve such, she must be a human and do good to human for 300 years.
When she was almost there, the little mermaid saved a drowned prince and fell in love with him. Yet the prince mistakenly thought it was another beautiful young lady saved his life and was about to marry that girl. The little mermaid faced a dilemma: kill the prince and her bride to continue being a human or she would become foam and vanish the morning they got married. The little mermaid chose the latter.
The next morning, when the little mermaid’s body vanishing to foam, she saw her soul elevated to heaven in sunrise! It was precisely because of her fulfillment of promises to do good to human under any circumstances, she didn’t lose her life and instead got an immortal soul!
After knowing the true story of the little mermaid, I found myself in love with her more than ever!
Doris was a sea goddess in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of Oceanus, god of the sea, and Tethys. Doris is connected to “gift” and “pure”.

For decades, I thought the Little Mermaid was a poignant love story. But only two years ago did I learn that the Chinese book was in fact a castrated and falsified version. It removes the essence of Andersen’s story – the immortal soul, which is the culture of cultivation commonly exists in both East and West, in which human beings undergo huge ordeal and purify their hearts in order to become gods.

The Chinese Communist Party does not allow any spiritual beliefs to exist in the minds of Chinese people. When a fairy tale kid’s book can be distorted to this extent, how much can you trust any other Chinese books?

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