Secrets: the best egg fried rice recipe蛋炒飯誰不會炒?真是這樣嗎?為什麼很多人炒出來是黏糊糊、稀巴巴,口感完全不像餐館裡那樣粒粒分明又鬆軟?我過去也被這個蛋炒飯最大的難題所困擾,但是最近我學了一招,輕鬆炒出了這一鍋顏值和口味都比餐館還高出一截的蛋炒飯,連素來不懂讚美的先生也主動誇好吃呢!如果你想炒出更好吃的蛋炒飯,那下面的方法一定要學起來!保證零失敗! Egg fried rice is probably the most common food cooked, especially among Asian cooks. But not everyone cooks egg fried rice as well as it should be. So what are the secrets to the best egg fried rice? In this post, I’m going to share with you my recipe that I created by learning from several Asian master chefs and mixing the best parts of each chef. I’ll also explain why my recipe works and what other ways to do it. It’s simple and easy. You can do it, too!