【Recommendation】”Killing to Live” A Korean Documentary
Korean documentary exposes China’s undercover live organ harvesting, horrible yet lucrative.
隨後,加拿大國際人權律師大衛•麥塔斯(David Matas)和前加拿大外交部亞太司司長大衛•喬高(David Kilgour)組成獨立調查團,並於2007年在加拿大國會發佈題為《血淋淋的器官摘取》的報告,指中共大規模、系統性活摘器官,之後若干年,隨著調查的深入,報告被不斷更新。
另外,在著名影星梅里爾.斯特里普(Meryl Streep)主演的好萊塢2019年影片《洗鈔事務所》(The Laundromat)裏也有映射中共活摘人體器官的橋段。
My salute to the outstanding and brave journalism.
“Killing to Live” is an extraordinary Korean investigative documentary because it delves into the highly controversial topic of live organ harvesting, the horrible undercover practiced of hospitals across China for a supply to the lucrative transplant industry.
In the film, the journalist secretly went into China, secretly filmed in Chinese hospitals, and interviewed Korean patients who were in China doing organ transplant. He witnessed how busy the hospital’s transplant operation rooms were and in order to settle a big number of patients and their accompanies, the hospital build a new building.
According to the documentary, about 10,000 Koreans have travelled to China for organ transplant operations since 2000. While Koreans being the number 1 source of foreign patients who had transplanted organs in China. More patients are coming from Middle East recently. But there are far, far less willing donors than organs that have been transplanted. So where are the other organs come from?
The documentary found evidences that a large number of prisoners of conscience, mostly Falun Gong practitioners, have been victimized by the demon’s organ deals. Working with doctors, then chief of Public Security Bureau, Wang Lijun (the one who later escaped for the US consulate in Chengdu, China), even invented a killing machine. The sole purpose of the machine, according to the Korean film, is to hit a live human being to brain death yet keeping the organs fresh for transplant!
The film was produced by TV Chosun in 2017. It is a media outlet under Korea’s leading newspaper Chosun Ilbo.
The uncovering of China’s live organ harvestingIt was in 2006 when the US based Epoch Times first broke the story. Former wife of a Chinese doctor exclusively disclosed to the Chinese newspaper that in his husband’s hospital in Northeast China, Falun Gong practitioners had their various organs harvested and their bodies cremated right in the hospital. The hospital had been doing so for years.
Then two courageous Canadian, international human rights lawyer David Matas and former Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) David Kilgour, launched an independent investigation. They released the first report in 2006. Later they published a book “Bloody Harvest“, and have since updated their investigation with further evidence.
London based American investigative journalist Ethan Gutmann has also done a solid work by interviewing survived Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience. Gutmann’s investigation was put into his book Slaughter.
In 2019, the independent People’s Tribunal in London ruled that Falun Gong practitioners have been the major victims of the Chinese Communist Regime’s live organ harvesting.
Other films about organ harvestingMy friend and fellow Chinese Canadian, Leon Lee’s Human Harvest is the first documentary looking into the issue. The film won the prestigious Peabody Award in 2015. Another documentary is an American film Hard to Believe, featuring Ethan Gutmann and a former Chinese surgeon. A 2019 Hollywood movie The Laundromat, staring Meryl Streep, also contains a plot that reflects the live organ harvesting practiced by the CCP officials. |