Biden’s 1st National Speech Garnered More Thumbs Down
Can you imagine only 11k people watched it live?
1月20號之後一直迴避媒體和公眾活動的拜登,借今天是中共病毒美國鎖 城一週年之際終於出來冒了個泡,但也只勉強撐了23分鐘,並且沒有接受記者提問,結束後轉身退去。 他在提到要告訴美國人真相之後,隨即無恥地將疫苗研發的快速成功,歸於自己和科學,卻隻字不提川普總統任內的成果。
After nearly two months of hiding from media and public, Biden finally showed up on TV delivering his 1st national speech after Jan. 20. But he didn’t take any questions from media.
How dared he say the word TRUTH! More insultingly he attributed ALL credits of the fast availability of Covid-19 vaccine solely to his administration, right after he said he would give Americans truth. In fact, we all know that it was president Trump who made all these possible by pushing the pharmaceutical plants.
Biden’s White House has become the biggest joke of American political history—its YouTube video has 6 times more thumbs down vs. up, and has the comments shut down, the innate fear of free speech (aka. TRUTH).